Friday, July 20, 2007

Broken Wings

This poem was written by me on September 9th 2006.

I've learnt to fly with broken wings
The sky is mine, it defines my space
I soar and rise
I flap and fly
I've learnt to hide the pain within....

My heart is bleeding
My soul is wounded
My wings are broken
I carry the pain within.....
I've learnt to fly with broken wings

I want to scream, I want to howl
But, Ive learnt to keep silence prevailing
I'm carrying shattered dreams broken hope,
unfulfilled desires
I'm steeped in misery, quiet sorrow
I'v learnt to live with all of these....
They have become a part of me.

I'v won it all. I'v lost it all.
I'v cried in pain, I'v battlled the tears.
I'v been happy, but sadness prevails
I'v lost a battle against myself
So, I'v learnt to fly with broken wings.

Me Today

Let it rain....
Oh let it rain.....
It's been ages and i have'nt gained a thing
I feel hollow and constrained
so let it rain
let the rain wash away the pain

Let it rain to clean the mess
There is no ray of hope around
let me gain a new horizon
a rainbow to paint the sky
to bring deliverance from the grief
to bring joy.....

Iv gained experience...
but at the cost of being hurt...
I have learned to trust....
but have'nt learned not to distrust....
I want to be loved...
and am scared of rejection........
I need the confidence that i am not alone
I need to know that i have friends
These feelings are so great
they surround me everywhere
I am insecure.....

So let it rain....
so that i breathe the fresh new air of relief
my woes begone
I sit in peace with myself....