Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today, after a long long time i feel like talking and letting it all out. But, something holds me back I have no clue what is it that refuses to let the pent up feelings come out.

Sometimes i am filled with malice for one and all and sometimes i think that i am wrong in holding others accountable for my ill-fate.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Misery Has Taken It's Toll...

The beads of sloemn misery roll
Heartbreak and pain have taken their toll
Once again my hopes soared
The songs of life rose
There was happiness and joy
No reasons to cry
No malice, nothing tragic
The heart danced to the rhythms of life...

But, this was not to last
There was a devil waiting at the bend
My heart tripped and fell, shattered into pieces never to see the daylight again
I sit in silence, the songs have long been sung
The dances are over with the beat
The dusk has set in and the night is falling
Silence speaks to me in it's high piercing tone
Pain wraps it's blanket around me
Hurt embalms my heart
Misery strokes my head...

Where there was life, there is nothing left
The remnants of those happy days can be seen in the empty eyes
Life has long past left my side
Now, all you see is the body
The soul has seized to exist...


When the heart is full of sadness, and tears brim up the eyes.
When love is what you are missing, and wishes are what you live by.
When you know you have that someone, but you are still waiting in oblivion, and you feel you are all alone.
It is then you pray that you should learn to live on your own, because the soul hurts and cries and the yearning never dies.
You have nothing to live by and your feelings stifle your heart dry.
the reasons to take you through the hopeless phase seem to die.
It is then that you realize there is nothing more you want to do, but cry.
But, somehow the tears don't leave the eyes and you bleed slowly inside...