Friday, December 5, 2008


Liberated I feel after letting go
how long could i hold on to regret and woe.
I know the time has come to cut loose the noose
I need to let go off the agony and the brutal bruise
I need to break free from the pain and agony.

I need to walk beyond the yesteryears
to break away from the shackles of the past
to clear away the cobwebs of memories.
I need to fill my soul with the warmth of the sun
to thaw away the coldness and fight away the numbness.
I need to bring back feelings to lighten up my life
I want the colours to blossom and the spring to clean my mind.
I need the morning freshness and the joy back in my life
I have to be a fighter and not a coward in disguise.

I lost a lot to thinking and shouldering all the blame
the burden was too heavy for me to sustain.
I started sinking under the weight of my loss
never once did i try to blame anyone at all.

Some came and made it wonderful
Some made me hurt like hell
Some made me feel like i was the worst person in the whole wide world.
But, I am liberated off the burdens and have no one to blame
I have just forgiven one and all because i cannot be them and they cannot be me.
We all are different people caught up in our own regimes.

When the heart is full of darkness and you have no way to walk
your inner spirit leaves you and you walk about lost.
You lose yourself to self doubt, and feel your journey has come to an end.
But, somewhere deep within, you know you haven't reached your goals as yet.
You know you have lost it all, but you cling on to that one last straw with all your might.
You know deep down within your heart that this last straw may bring some respite.
This for sure is the toughest time of ones life.
But you have got to hold on tight, because around the corner is the shining light, it will guide you to a new day and a new way,
That is when you know for sure that you have been redeemed.