Monday, May 7, 2007

The Unknown

The fangs are deep within my skin. No! they have reached my bones.
I am as numb as i could be and i dont feel the pain anymore.
The reasons to live are far fetched and the reasons to go on like fairy tales.
I build up these castles in the air everyday, just to keep my soul alive.
Dreams are all that i have and they are temporary, never stay on
They abandon my thoughts and leave me alone with no one but despair.

I know that despair is my only friend, the pain is unbearable but i am so so numb.
I cant yell, i cant cry; the reasons i dont know why
I am looking for answers but dont know the questions
I live my life to be no one, i am around and yet not there.
I love to laugh but pay the price,
I see time slip by and i sit still coz iv lost my sanity
Im insane and yet so sane
I am a sinner and yet so pure
I hate my existence and i still keep living
I am a loser but i never give up
I need to break free and i stay put where i am
I am alone, and it shall be that ways.
I am waiting endlessly, but for what i have no clue.
I guess i'll keep waiting for the unknown till eternity.......


Lalit Singh said...

I guess i'll keep waiting for the unknown till eternity
Time unfolds all mysteries & things known n unknown. Soon for you as well!!

~ Deeps ~ said...

good words........believe in urself and leave everything else on time......u will be fine soon :)

Amandeep said...

:-) Beautiful words... I think i can understand the feeling... And as Ashu said despair isn't ur only friend!! We're there babes!!

Just keep the faith, and life will take the desired track very soon!!! God bless you...

Nikhil Gupta said...

i don't know what's going on in your life... but would just like to say... when in distress, keep telling yourself... "this too shall pass"... cheers!

RB said...

I agree with Lalit. Nothing remains unknown till eternity.
A little bit of faith and a little bit of hope! Things get better with time because ultimately, they change for your own good.

Take care!! :-)

RB said...

Hello?? Where art thou?

Unknown said...

Good writing, but I am distressed to see that something is this wrong in your life. Hope it takes care of itself.

Priyanka said...

Ahh! My sweet friend despair!
Despair is like a prostitute, it isn’t easy to let go of it…but it works like slow poison.
It seems tough to stop brooding over sufferings but the only way to end the pain is to stop giving it mind space. Life wasn’t always so bad and it’s not gonna stay like that forever.

Sow some happiness and let it act as a catalyst to further happiness.
God bless you!