Monday, November 12, 2007

Random Thoughts

I had written this post ages ago and had posted it on my previous blog. Since, I am not very regular with updating my blog and posting new posts therefore, I forgot my previous blog login i.d. and password. Yes i actually did, I am that bad with my blog. I have lots that goes on inside my head but i never seem to write it down. If I did there would probably be two-three posts everyday or maybe more.

Well, here is an old post titled Random Thoughts:

The sky is gray,
The day is glum,
The wind is chilly…
Sitting by the window of the cab, I sit and write this.
I have not put pen to paper for a long, long time. Today I just felt like it so pulled out my small little handmade paper notebook and began writing.

What am I thinking of? Nothing!
Do I have anything on my mind to write about? No!
I do not have any new verse in my head.

Ooooh!!! It is drizzling!!! It is a beautiful morning. Listening to "Take Off " on AIR FM RAINBOW. Just a perfect combo, the only thing missing is a cup of hot steaming coffee. Oh Wow! Well the rooftop of my cab right above my head is leaking. Pitter patter fall the drops right on my head.

Isn't this so much like life, there are open wounds, both big and small cracks, you let one thing slip and your world comes tumbling down like a pack of cards. One day you wake up to a brand new day and yet another morning is nothing but a drag from yesterday. One day we are happy to discover something new ourselves, others or something generic.

Hey! My favourite song's playing on the radio. "What's going on"
It is just so apt for me, "25 years and my life and still, I’m trying to get up that great big hill of hope…"
"Lying in bed, just to get it all out, What's in my head..."
"I say hey-ey-ey yeah, hey-ey-ey yeah, yeah, yeah, and I say hey What's going on…"

Well the songs over and am back to my random thoughts. Aren't the chains of thoughts like jigsaw puzzles that are inter-related in some way but never fit perfectly well together to solve the puzzle. I guess that is a bad analogy, but, what the heck!! That's mine and I am proud of it.

Well I am going back to the bit where I wrote that, no I don't have any verses in my head. I have a confession to make that my best ever verses or thoughts have been born in my head and died there as well. Just like babies get nourishment in the womb, but some never see the daylight as this very source of their birth turns to be their grave. I know that the imagery is dark and somber. I just can not put pen to paper when I have some of the best rhymes, because when I do try they just vanish into thin air.

Oh! Another of my favourite song is being played on the radio, "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia. I just love this track. Well I have filled in quite a bit, whereas I thought
I have nothing to write about. That is what I believe what people mean when they talk about POTENTIAL. We never know, What we are Capable of.

Whatever, I have written is not in order, nor in neatly built up paragraphs, nor does it transition smoothly from one idea to another. That is just me. I cannot keep within the bounds of writing in a well thought, preconceived manner. I write and similarly live my life in a random fashion. What I do does or does not make sense to others. But, it is perfectly alright for me. Why should I justify my life to others? I do not like slotting others in categories and I hate it when others try and judge me.

I don't think there is a right or wrong. What is right according to me may be wrong according to you and vice versa. Do you think I hate the world? If you did then you are absolutely wrong. I love the world, every bit of it, I live here, I have learnt through good and bad but all through my experiences. I have learnt that nothing really belongs to me. Isn't everything made to be broken…

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