Sunday, September 14, 2008

How often have you lied? How often have your lies cost you everything or next to everything in your life? How big a crime is it to lie? Sometimes, don't you wish for something with all you have? And, when that wish of yours is granted what do you do? Sometimes when you have what you wished for and you fear you will lose it, Will you lie out of that fear so that you do not lose your precious belonging? Lying is that you are keeping the truth from someone...Have you never lied? Will you never lie? Are you always honest? Do you think it is fair to look into the reason, the very reason a person lied? The intention of the person does it not matter? How heavily will you punish someone if you find out you have been lied to? What will you do if you lied and what will you do if someone else lied to you? Will you turn your back towards someone you hold near and dear because that person lied to you? Does a lie end a relationship? Should you hold up the other person for the lie without considering the circumstances?

If you havent lied ever, be hated to be lied to...
If you havent tried ever, then spurn the other person for trying...
If you havent wished and hoped for something, then look down upon someone who did...
If someone gives you importance so much of importance that he/she forgets about ones own existence do you think it is worth giving this someone a chance?
If someone has loved you will all his/her heart and soul is a lie good enough to break away all ties?
Is a lie a reason good enough to punish someone to such an extent that the person isn't able to come out of it ever?

Questions I have been battling with for sometime now...They keep coming back to me every now and then...The trumoil doesnt seem to stop...My head is a boiling pot...mixes of all kinds, flavors of various thoughts, essence of various ideas, and recipes of various doubts are present all the time...The mind refuses to cool down...

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