Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have been cursed with inevitable bad luck, no matter what i do, infact it's got everything to do with what i have done, did, and do. I don't know why but I have the knack of doing wrong things at the wrong time. These of course always backfire, and recently something changed my entire life. Just when i thought that life has taken a favourable turn and I have reached a point where i couldn't have been happier and was not seeking for anything beyond. Well, pop appears my ill fate and says, "Hey! Wait, You have no right to be happy. I let happiness slip by your way just to take it away from you and make you ever more miserable."
We do a lot of things in life, most things i do are wrong and I haven't been more sure of it like I am today. I am convinced of the fact that I cannot do anything right. But, not too long ago uptil yesterday I had thought that I have done something right in life, the feeling had never been better and so right ever before. Infact, I did do something right for once but whatever wrong i had done in the past took away my present from me. I saw everything I ever had come tumbling and crashing down right in front of me. I stand helplessly watching things break down and do not have the power to make them go back to being right.
I have lost everything I ever had, and I do not seek anything further in my life. I got happiness like I had never been happier before. I think i will live with the feeling that one brief period in my life was all that I could have ever asked for. I will live with the memories, the treasured and precious moments of my life...

1 comment:

Richa said...

There are several instances in each person’s life when he/she thinks that they have no existence of their own—people think life had been harsh or to put in your words life has been a curse—normal for all human beings. I agree that you might have undergone through really a harsh phase in our lives or may be several harsh ones as no one will come with the words like cursed just like that, but you know nothing is purely dark except negative thoughts—even shadows imply there is light nearby. It all depends on how we look at things; luck will seem to be in your favor if we face things with the right kind of attitude. Today things might not be in our favor, but sooner or later we all realize that all wrong things happened for our good, we have to look at the brighter side. Things might get messed up once but by considering them a result of our ill fate we are just allowing our fate to rule our lives. We ourselves have to rule our lives with positive thoughts; we have to nurture these thoughts and most importantly our soul. Just look at the good times you ever had in your life—the support which our loved ones (family and friends) bestowed on us, the care we have been given in the form of sisters, daughters, friends or beloved, and the fact that god gave us life which is the most treasured possession for any living being. I have written quite a lot and you might consider me a nut, but just after reading your latest entry--Cursed--I don't know I just felt the urge of saying something to you. Hope what all I said won't sound harsh/impractical to you, because it is you who have suffered and given her pains a structure or rather shape in the form of this entry. I just felt that may be a few words of mine could be of help.