Saturday, March 8, 2008

Questions Unanswered

"True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be."
I read these lines somewhere and these immediately grabbed my attention. First and foremost what comes to my mind is that how many of us believe we have experienced "True love". Is there any difference in when you love someone and when you truly love someone? Do degrees of love differ from person to person? Can I safely say "I love You" to someone and every syllable uttered has nothing but feelings so full of love that the other person feels the intensity completely? But, these questions were actually secondary, what came to my mind upfront was that if true love is neither physical, nor romantic then why do we always want to feel the presence of the person we love? Why can we do anything to get just a glimpse of that person? Why do we feel out of the world with just one touch of that one special person? Why do we long to hold that persons hand forever, sit side-by-side in complete silence and feel blissful? Why do we want to be with that person all the time and pass days and nights just being with that someone? Why does it feel so good when you know that the other person feels the same way for you? When we know that the other person is in love with us and we love the other person then why do we want that he/she and me come together to be Us?

"True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will Not be."
Of course i do agree with what has been written in the sentence above. True love is to accept the other person as he/she is, accept the other person for what he/she is, accept the persons past, mistakes, and blunders. What really matters is that person and you, your present with him/her, and your future with him/her. But, how easy is it to accept that will NOT be? When you know that the person you love will never be yours how easy is it to accept the fact? When you know the person you have loved the most in your life will leave never to return. Can you avoid the heartbreak and the heartache? If it is best to let go, then why is it the most painful thing to do? When love is accepting what will Not be why is it the hardest thing to do? Not that life stops, it doesn't we all have learned our lessons of moving on, but that moment you have to move on is the longest and heartrending.

Sometimes you DO NOT want to let go, you DO NOT want to accept that which will NOT be. You want to hold on with all your might like you are fighting for your life. It is said that if you really really want something very badly keep trying and you will get it. But, you know no matter how hard you try things will not go the way you want them to.

Isn't hope all that we have, no matter how openly glaring is the truth right in front of our eyes, we shut our eyes and guard them against the glare. We hope that Maybe, Maybe our souls will be saved by the one we love and he/she will be here to stay never to go away...

I guess i am keeping that hope alive somewhere deep down inside, though i know there is no hope at all, but, such is life...

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